1st Medical Faculty
Katerinska 32
CZ-12108 Prague 2
Czech Republic
Prof. Stephan Svacina
Tel. +420 2 24963015
Fax +420 2 24915413
e-mail: stephan.svacina@lfl.cuni.cz
Prof. Dr. Michael Halaska
Tel. +420 2 24962458
Fax +420 2 297910
e-mail: michael.halaska@lfl.cuni.cz
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Hradec Kralove Medical Faculty
The head of the Grants and International department Eva Macourková Macourkovae@lfhk.cuni.cz
Faculty ERASMUS+ Coordinator: Halka Lotková lotko@lfhk.cuni.cz
Contact Person for ERASMUS+ STUDY incoming mobility: Simona Rozkošová rozkosos@lfhk.cuni.cz
Contact Person for ERASMUS+ STUDY outgoing mobility and ERASMUS+ Traineeship incoming and outgoing mobility: Monika Pazourková PazourkovaM@lfhk.cuni.cz